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Assessment for Learning: 7 ideas to harness the potential

3. Many hands make light work

Hands up is a regular classroom technique but it runs the risk of only gathering useful learning insights from a minority of students.

Small hand-held dry wipe boards are a popular and highly effective tool to gather lots of responses simultaneously.   With careful questions, even simple responses can provide deep insights into the range of thinking in a class at any given moment.
If you have a more recent interactive whiteboard or panel, you may already also have the option for students to ‘cast’ the display from one or more digital devices such as iPads or laptops.  This can be a powerful way for a class or groups to share their progress with digital or creative work with each other.  

Teachers' Corner

At Folens, we believe that educators sharing insights and experiences with each other is crucial to improving education for all. Teachers’ Corner is edited by teachers, with teachers and for teachers.

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