All schools engaged with the new Maths Curriculum via Oide training in the 2023-2024 school year. It's now time to start putting the theory and ideas into practice for guest teacher author, Aoife.
Teacher author, Aoife, explains how she has used Discovery Tables in her classroom to approach some of the key ideas laid out in the new Primary Language Framework.
This is great activity to spread over the months of a school year. Guest teacher author, Aoife, shares her approach to this effective and engaging way to develop home and school links.
The mini dry wipe board with its intrinsic impermanence, can balance out a reliance on worksheets and submitting ideas for marking in maths, instead allowing children to explore 'what could it be?' and 'what if?' ideas with less risk, boosting their confidence.
Dry wipe boards are versatile tools that can greatly enhance learning in the classroom. Their interactive and erasable nature makes them ideal for a variety of activities. Here are a bunch of practical ideas to use dry wipe boards to boost student engagement and participation.
Wellbeing is a hot topic at the moment and is set to remain that way as it is incorporated into the new Primary Curriculum Framework from Junior Infants all the way to Sixth Class and beyond. Guest Teacher Author, Roisín O Rourke, shares some of the ways she has integrated the theme into her class.
We live in a diverse but globally connected community. Guest teacher author, Roisín O Rourke shares how her school has navigated bringing the rich and fascinating wider world into their classrooms.
The new curriculum promises to provide time for more playful and holistic approaches to learning. The outdoor environment, whether just around the school grounds, or further afield, can provide a fantastic resource to explore this opportunity.
When the Summer holidays are looming, that can only mean one thing - Sports Day! Guest author Aoife Doyle, shares some ideas for making the most of the day!