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Spring into Art… Some seasonal ideas!

Finally we have some Spring in our steps and are, hopefully, getting rid of grey skies and storms! There’s always plenty of discussion of when Spring begins - does it begin with St. Brigid on February 1st, when as the song goes ‘Brigid brings the spring’ or does it begin as we approach March when the days get longer and the time changes? You choose your own interpretation of it! Either way, here’s a few ways to bring it to life with your class this year.

Using playful Story Starters to foster creativity and imagination

In the world of education, fostering creativity and imagination is just as important as teaching facts and figures. One of the most effective ways I have found to achieve this is through the use of playful story starters in the classroom. These tools not only stimulate children’s creativity but also enhance their writing skills, language and vocabulary, critical thinking and overall engagement.

Play: Encouraging choice and agency in infant classes

There has been plenty of chatter and change around play and its re-examined place in our classrooms recently. As teachers, we’re constantly evolving and adapting our classrooms and our delivery of teaching to improve practice but it can be difficult to keep up to date with changes while keeping an eye on everything else. Here is how Roisin has been coping.