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World Wildlife Day

March 3

WWD is held on March 3 because it’s the day that the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) was signed in 1973.

Here are four ideas you might want to try:

Adopt an Endangered Animal
Encourage students to “adopt” an endangered animal, learning about its habitat, threats, and conservation efforts.

  • Have students research their chosen animal and create a poster or fact file with key information.


Wildlife Habitat Dioramas
Help students understand different ecosystems by creating dioramas that represent wildlife habitats (e.g., forests, oceans, or grasslands).

  • Provide materials like cardboard, clay, and recycled objects for students to craft habitats, including the animals that live in them.
  • Have each group present their habitat and discuss how human actions impact wildlife in those ecosystems.


Wildlife Conservation Pledge
Encourage students to create personal or classroom-wide pledges to help protect wildlife and the environment.

  • Discuss ways they can help wildlife, such as reducing plastic use or protecting pollinators, and have them write or draw their pledges.
  • Hang the pledges around the classroom as a visual reminder of their commitments.


Nature Walk and Animal Spotting
Take students on a nature walk around the school grounds or a nearby park to observe local wildlife.-

  • Provide them with a checklist of animals or plants to spot, and discuss the importance of biodiversity, even in local environments.
  • Have students take pictures or make notes, then use the information for a class discussion or wildlife journal.

Here are some more “Natural World” activities and ideas on Teachers’ Corner:




March 3