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International Women’s Day

March 8

International Women’s Day (IWD), celebrated on March 8th, provides a valuable opportunity to teach students about gender equality, women’s achievements, and the importance of challenging stereotypes. This day has been celebrated for more than 100 years.


Here are a couple of things you could try:

Famous Women in History Research Project

Introduce students to influential women from history and today, from different fields such as politics, science, and the arts.

  • Activity: Assign each student or small groups a notable woman to research, such as Mary Robinson, Ireland’s first female president, or scientist Marie Curie. Students can create posters or short presentations showcasing their achievements.
  • Extension: Have a class discussion on how these women have shaped the world and how gender equality has evolved over time.

Inspirational Women Role Models: Interview or Write

Encourage students to think about the women who inspire them in their own lives, whether it’s a family member, teacher, or public figure.

  • Activity: Ask students to write a short piece about an inspirational woman in their life, or, if possible, interview a female role model (either in person or virtually).
  • Classroom Display: Collect these pieces and create a classroom wall of inspiration, highlighting the students’ chosen role models.



March 8