Home » Creative Autumn ideas for older students

Creative Autumn ideas for older students

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An idea for older classes and with a link to poetry is to ‘Personify the Season’.

What human features or emotions could describe this time of year?

Autumn in a musician – the rustle of leaves and the wind are an orchestra.

Autumn is a scientist showing us how life grows in cycles.

Autumn is tired and needs a rest before the work of next year starts.

Autumn does not say ‘goodbye’. Instead they say, ‘see you soon!’

These short ideas can be illustrated to make a display or adapted into longer poems or other pieces of creative writing. You only needs some prompts.

Your class can also think about prompts of their own.

Autumn is…

Autumn does…

Autumn wants…

Autumn hopes for…

Autumn waits for…

The best thing is, you can redo the lesson for each term or season to build the story of the year while developing the writing ideas.

Inspired by the language, the children can then encapsulate in a picture, what they think of when they hear the word Autumn.

Let them be the lead in their own creativity as much as possible. They will amaze you with what they come up with.

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