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Enjoying the Teachers' Corner Online Forum

Welcome to the Teachers' Corner Online Forum!

To ensure a positive and secure environment for all members, please adhere to the following community rules:

Respectful Communication
- Treat all members with respect and kindness.
- No offensive, discriminatory, or inflammatory language or behaviour.

- Do not share any personal information about students, including names, photos, or any identifiable details.
- Avoid discussing sensitive or private matters about colleagues, students, or parents.

Constructive Feedback
- Provide feedback that is helpful and supportive.
- Critique ideas, not individuals.

Original Content
- Share original ideas and resources.
- Give proper credit to the creators of any third-party materials you share.

Appropriate Content
- Ensure all posts and resources are relevant to teaching, education, and the forum’s purpose.
- No spam, advertisements, or unrelated content.

Privacy and Security
- Keep your login information secure and do not share your account with others.
- Report any suspicious activity or breaches of security to the forum moderators immediately.

Moderator Authority
- Respect the decisions and authority of forum moderators.
- Follow any additional guidelines or rules set by moderators as needed.

Thank you for being a part of the Teachers' Corner Online Forum. Together, we can create a supportive and enriching community for all educators!